Landscaping in Pots

Having to redo your landscape every time the season changes can be a headache. No matter how much you love gardening, it makes no sense having to dig the soil every season. Too much of turning the soil can affect the soil quality as well. One good way to prevent having to do that is to dig a hole in the ground and put empty plastic pots with holes for drainage in them. Fill them with soil and bury them up to ground level. Plant your new seeds and seedling in them and switch them out once they are ready to retire.

Lighten your flower pots

It can be tiresome to move heavy flower pots around every time you want to do some garden maintenance. You also run the risk of dropping and breaking them. A good way to reduce the weight of each pot is to use packing peanuts. Fill the pot more than half with them, then add a layer of peat moss or landscape fabric and pour the soil content. Packing peanuts provide good drainage and the fabric prevents the soil from sinking to the bottom.

Add calcium

Even if you use compost, a good way to make sure your plants have a steady supply of calcium is to grind egg shells and sprinkle them along the base of the plants. The soil microorganisms will work it into the soil and provide the roots with the calcium they need.

Protect you plants

If you have a lot of animals, including your pets, walking all over your garden, destroying your seedlings and pooping all over you vegetables, you can keep them away by strategically placing a few plastic forks upright around you plant beds to deter them.

Storage container gardens

This is ideal for gardening in limited space or in houses without yards. Plastic storage containers are very light weight and available in a variety of sizes for you to get started. If you use packing peanuts to fill most of the space, you can keep it light even while you plant new seedlings. Use a landscape fabric, peat moss or compost to layer the soil. You can even hang the set-up over rails.

Sponge retain moisture

One great way to make sure that you don't have to return to wilted plants while you have been away for a few days is to place a bulk of sponge at the bottom of the pot. The sponge will absorb the excess moisture and release it when necessary. This is great for those summer perennials that require constant watering.

Epsom salt for your garden

Epsom salt is very rich in magnesium and sulfate, so sprinkle some in your garden before planting seeds or mix a few tablespoons in the water you spray on them once or twice a month. You can also sprinkle them in the soil once the plants have matured. Gardening experts swear that this is absolutely essential for growing tomatoes and peppers, both of which tend to have magnesium deficiency.

Read more gardening tips at Gardening Services London

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