Planting Tomatoes

Planting Tomatoes Popular Varieties:

Cherry Tomatoes- Better Boy Tomatoes- Celebrity Tomatoes- Brandywine Tomatoes- Early Girl Tomatoes- Bush Tomatoes.

Maturity-70 Days depending on the variety. Read the vegetable seed packet for more information on your variety.

Container Gardening/Vertical Gardening

Indeterminate tomatoes or vining tomatoes grow vertically and don't need a lot of space. If your garden area is small or no garden at all but you have a balcony that gets at least 6 hours of sun each day, then vertical gardening is for you. Do make sure there are sufficient holes in the bottom of the container for water drainage. Also, make sure there is a vertical support so that your tomato plants have something to vine up in a vertical direction. If you're not sure how to go about this, read our article tomato vegetable cage which also show pictures of a variety of tomato support options.


As I mentioned before in several articles on vegetable gardening, if you start your garden using seeds, please don't purchase just any garden vegetable seed. There are seeds and then there are quality seeds. You're going to be spending a lot of time nurturing your vegetable garden (hopefully a labor of love) so don't cheap out with your seeds. I am a big fan of Burpee Seeds.

They have been around for what seems forever and have only the highest quality of vegetable seeds of any vegetable gardening plant you can imagine. I have always had great success using their products with spectacular results. Now that is not to say there aren't other great seed manufactures, as I'm sure there probably are many. If you have used one in the past with great gardening success then by all means use them again. I only mention Burpee Seeds for beginner gardeners who as of yet may not have found a great vegetable seed source.

Okay, I'm off my pulpit so let's continue.

When to Plant After last frost or when daytime temperature reaches 50F/10C. You may also want to read our article growing tomatoes.

Location Where your tomatoes will receive at least 6 hours of sunlight each day. If you're no sure where to plant, observe the arc of the sun throughout the day to find an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight.

Fertilizer You can buy vegetable fertilizer at you local garden nursery, Home Depot, Lowes, or Ace Hardware. Check the bag for NPK rating and make sure the (N) Nitrogen rating is the lower of the three numbers. Why? Because Nitrogen encourages leaf growth. While that is good, you want your tomato plants to blossom and bear fruit. So a lower Nitrogen rating will help this process. For more information on this subject, read our article vegetable fertilizer.

Water  When first planting tomatoes water thoroughly. Thereafter, keep you soil moist. For best results, use a soil moisture tester. The one I use can be seen at the bottom of this page beginner gardening.

Pests  When planting tomatoes be aware there are numerous vegetable garden pests that just can't wait to start chomping away on your tomato plants. To help discourage these unwelcome garden pests, read our article vegetable garden pests.

If you are new to vegetable gardening, that is to say, a beginner gardener, this article on planting tomatoes is rather short intended only to give you an overview of some of the things you need to know about planting tomatoes.

I hope you are motivated to get out in the garden and start planting your first vegetable crop. For more information on how to grow a successful vegetable crop, I invite you to also read our article beginner gardening  as well as our article on growing tomatoes.

Happy Gardening

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