Compost Tea a Great  Fertilizer

Do you know how to make compost tea for your vegetable plants.

If not, this is another great by-product from composting providing rich nutrients for your vegetable plants or seedlings.

Fill a sack part way full with compost. A burlap bag or an old pillow case is a great choice to hold the compost.

Secure the burlap bag or pillow case by tying the opening after filled with compost.

Next fill a tub or other container with water and place the burlap bag or pillow sack inside, similar to placing a tea bag in a cup of water. Swish the bag around for a few minutes and leave in the water to steep.

After several days you will notice the water turning a somewhat tea color. And that's it. Now you have compost tea which you can add to vegetable soil or spray on leaves.

Next, remove the bag or pillow case and empty the compost tea contents around your vegetables.

Nothing goes to waste when gardening.

By taking this extra little step by making compost tea, your vegetable plants will respond and grow healthy, tasty fruit for you and your family to enjoy.

As I said, this article on making compost tea is short but all the better for you because like this article it will only take you a short time to make it.

That said, go ahead and give it a try, your crops will love you for this little extra effort.

For more information on composting, click on the link making compost.

As always,

Happy Gardening

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